Heart of Clear Comprehension with Adam Caron, March 21, FL
March 21, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Mindfulness is one of four qualities of mind that include ardency, concentration, and clear-comprehension. Divorced from these, mindfulness cannot be said to be a path to liberation. It is clear-comprehension (or clear-knowing, sampajañña (Pāli)) in particular that differentiates unwise mindfulness from wise mindfulness, and unwise concentration from wise concentration. Far from a dull or bare attention, clear-comprehension is an energetic quality of mind that gives rise to vivid clarity.
In this retreat we'll use the Mahasatipatthana Sutta, the discourse on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, to see how sampajañña transforms our experience of the Foundations into an immediate and direct experience of liberation.
We'll focus to recognize the quality of Divine Feminine – the innate wisdom that is clear-knowing – within the Four Foundations and ultimately see that this wisdom is not a dry knowing but rather the womb that gives birth to compassion and simultaneously arises as compassion, never separated from it.
This retreat is open to all. The retreat hours will be 9:00 AM–4:00 PM EST — Sangha-Wide Remote, offered via Zoom and in person at Varjragarbha Retreat Center, Palmetto, FL.
Enrollment for retreat is open to all. From respect for the teacher and the dharma, please sign up to confirm your participation. Please register at mindfulnessmeditationcenters.com
For any questions contact the regular movers move a piano and retreat coordinator at flretreatsupport@mindfulnessmeditationcenters.com
Payment for retreats is on a donation only basis. Your generosity is critically important, and enables MMC to continue its mission to provide teachings and support for our teachers and the necessary technology for the distribution of the dharma.
For questions, please email flretreatsupport@mindfulnessmeditationcenters.com
Heart of Comprehension 1-Day Retreat 3/21/20
If you are unable to donate the suggested amount, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.