More than ten years ago Steve and Avtar went to their favorite local Nepalese restaurant and saw a flyer for Buddhist meditation offered by Summit Dharma Center... since then, they have grown in their connection to the community and are active in assisting on many fronts.
Steve and Avtar offer big hearts, broad smiles and zero pretension. They are people you could trust your pets with and know they had a solid meal, a warm bed and sturdy roof for a night. No need for a check-in call.
Steve: always smiling, Steve connected with the community in 2003, and while he had practiced other forms of meditation previously, he finds the the practices he learned through this community to be extremely helpful in making positive change in his life. Steve is honored to have the opportunity to share what he can, and sincerely wishes to be of benefit to others. He has completed two 30-day retreats, one of them solitary, and numerous weekend retreats.
Avtar: genuine and friendly, she has participated in two 30-day retreats and numerous weekend retreats. She is loyal to her practice - making small strides each day towards full-on Buddhahood. She also helps the larger community with coordination of retreats: logistics, locations, meals, attendees - all of it with grace and gentleness, much like a mother hen keeping tabs on her brood. She is delighted to help facilitate weekends - sharing teachings of Michael and Phillip - with a sincere recognition of the benefit their teachings have brought to her.