Date(s) - August 8th
9:00 am - 3:00 pm



Second in an Occasional Series

Teacher:  Rose Costello

Saturday August 8, 2020

9 am -3 pm MT (Mountain Time)

Offered via Zoom Only

“The dreamcrossed twilight between birth and death…”

from Ash Wednesday, by T S Eliot


Please join us for a workshopping retreat as we develop a closer,

more intimate relationship with the mind of image, which is imagination.

Which can also be called sambhogakaya, rolpa, natural expression, sacred speech.

IMAGE – response to image

IMAGE – allowing space for image to rise

IMAGE – the energy of natural speech

IMAGE – the dynamic movement from formless to form


We will begin the day with meditation, a place of concentrated attention, where we can meet the mind of image.

We’ll listen to some poems, look at the images to be found there, and feel our response to them. The mind that responds to imagery is the same mind that gives rise to it.

We’ll do some exercises that ask for images to surface. We’ll spend time with what shows itself. We’ll see if a poem results!




This retreat is open to all and offered by donation only. Please register below.

Your generosity is critically important and enables MMC to continue its mission to provide teachings,

support for our teachers, and the necessary technology for the spread of the dharma.

“Retreat Registration: POETRY – PRACTICE OF SACRED SPEECH, Zoom Only, July 8 2020”

$ 50.00
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Donation Total: $50.00

Date(s) - August 8th
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


If you are unable to donate the suggested amount, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.