Date(s) - August 13th – August 15th
7:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Practice of the “Buddha of Boundless Light”
Offered by Phillip Hedrick
Friday, August 13 7 pm ET to Sunday, August 15 12 pm ET
Zoom Only
Protected by all the Buddhas, for all of the kalpas to come. Please join us while we celebrate and practice the sutra teaching of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha, The Amitabha Sutra.
Being reborn in the pure land of Akanishta or Dewachen.
“At that time the Buddha said to the Elder Sariputra, to the west from here, beyond a hundred thousand million buddha lands, there is a world called “Supreme Bliss”. In that land there is a Buddha named Amitabha. He is there now teaching the Dharma. Sariputra, why is that land called “Supreme Bliss?”
Sentient beings in that land do not have various sufferings, they only experience all bliss. For this reason, that land is called “Supreme Bliss.”
“Further, Sariputra, the land of Supreme Bliss is completely encircled by seven layers of balustrades, seven layers of trees in a row, seven layers of nets, all made of precious metals. For this reason, that land is called “Supreme Bliss”.
“Further, Sariputra, in the Land of Supreme Bliss there are ponds made of seven kinds of precious materials brimming with water with eight good qualities. The beds of the ponds are made of pure sand of gold. On their four sides there are stairs made of gold, crystal, beryl, and silver. Above there are towered pavilions, also adorned with gold, lapis lazuli, crystal, tridacna, red pearl, and agate. In the pond are lotus as large as chariot wheels, as green colors have a green luster, and the white colors a white luster. They are exquisite, wondrous, fragrant, and pure. Sariputra, the Land of Supreme Bliss adorned by such good qualities brought to perfection.”
This is just a taste of the sublime qualities of the pure lands. Perfecting this practice, makes it possible to be reborn from the bardo to the “Supreme Bliss” of Amitabha’s Pure Land.
May all sentient beings be reborn in such a land.
Please join us for a weekend, receiving the lung empowerment and instruction on how to accomplish such a rebirth.
Presented with love
All those practicing Chenrezig now and/or attended the 2021 30-day Chenrezig retreat are encouraged to attend this retreat.
You will need the Long Sadhana of Chenrezig, which includes the Amitabha sadhana.
If you have the short Chenrezig Sadhana, you will need to purchase the Amitabha sadhana from KTD book store.
The suggested donation for this retreat is $200. This allows Mindfulness Meditation Centers to support the costs of running the retreat, the sharing and distribution of the teachings, and the support of our community as a whole.
Mindfulness Meditation Centers is a non-profit center and community devoted to making meditation, mindfulness, and the teachings of awakening available to all. If you are unable to donate the suggested amount, please do not let that keep you from attending. To participate please email Rose at rosecostello2216@gmail. com as financial arrangements are available.
Retreat starts Friday 8/13th at 7 pm ET. Registrants are asked to watch for emails from the Retreat Coordinator who will confirm the starting time.
The retreat will continue all day Saturday, 8/14th with breaks for meals.
Retreat ends Sunday, 8/15th around 12 pm ET.
Please fill out the form below.
For questions about this retreat please contact the Retreat Coordinator at:
“Retreat Registration: Amitabha Practice Weekend, ZOOM, Aug 13-15 2021”
Date(s) - August 13th – August 15th
7:00 pm - 12:00 pm
If you are unable to donate the suggested amount, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.