The Six Perfections; San Diego / Zoom – Michael Gregory
August 23, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - August 25, 2019 @ 4:30 pm
Join us in for this special weekend retreat on awakening compassionately to the heart of your true and expansive nature offered by Generosity- Donation Only. This retreat offers a blueprint to path and purpose, illuminating the Buddha's beautiful path of transcendence over suffering and destructive emotions, and awakening life's process to one of perfect enlightenment! This retreat will be instructed by Michael Gregory, former Buddhist Monk and Director of Mindfulness Meditation Centers.
Transformational, heart opening teachings and rare and precious practices will be offered on the Buddhist teachings of Loving Kindness, The Six Perfections and Non Duality.
The Six Perfections are practiced by those who have the supreme intention of attaining enlightenment for the sake of others. These six are 'perfections' because they give rise to complete enlightenment.
Michael will break down the teachings conveniently into practical and modern terms, while never letting us forget that the point of all Dharma is nothing other than insight into the mind and heart.
Guided meditations and rare and specific practices and teachings will be given in this retreat, offering a complete guide to transformation of unconscious habitual patterns into enlightenment through the practice of the six perfections.
Benefits of Practice:
Generosity leads to the enjoyment of ample resources, ethical discipline gives a good rebirth, patience leads to an attractive appearance and supportive companions, enthusiastic effort endows the ability to complete what is undertaken, fostering concentration makes the mind invulnerable to distraction, and wisdom discriminates between what needs to be cultivated and what must be discarded and leads to greater wisdom in the future.
Practice of the 6 Perfections insures the attainment of an excellent body and mind in the future and even more favorable conditions for effective practice than those we enjoy at present.
This weekend will also intersperse fundamental meditation practices, with ample time reserved for questions and answers.
Discover how the loving practice and experience of generosity, ethical discipline, patience, enthusiastic effort, concentration, and wisdom can lead to inner awakening.
Friday August 23: 7 - 9pm
Public Talk and Introduction to the teachings - All Welcome
Saturday: 12 - 8pm
Sunday: 12 - 4pm
Please email Davita if you have schedule conflicts.
Enrollment in this retreat is open to all however space is limited and you must sign up to ensure your participation.
Retreat Fees:
The fee for The Six Perfections in Denver is offered with a suggested donation:
$200 for sustaining Path 2 members of MMC
$400 for non-members
All of the MMC retreats are also available via Zoom® Our Online Classroom
O line Access:
Zoom® online classroom access is $100 for sustaining Path 2 members of MMC
$200 for non-members.
The traditional teacher's gift-dana, (a voluntary show of gratitude) is not included in the retreat fee.
If you are having financial difficulties and would still like to participate in this retreat or or other programs find out black golf club set, Mindfulness Meditation Centers would be honored to support your path.
Please contact Rose Costello: rosecostello2216@gmail.com
for assistance with financial arrangements.
Email Retreat Coordinator to sign up:
Or Register:
Retreat Donation
Retreats are by generosity only; please contribute an amount that is meaningful to you. If you are unable to donate, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.