New Living Wisdom Series – Florida / Zoom; Davita Moodley
November 2, 2019
Florida / Zoom; Davita Moodley
Mindfulness Meditation Centers announces a new retreat series, LIVING WISDOM offered by various MMC community member-teachers, incorporating contemporary wisdom traditions such as hypnotherapy, the arts, and psychology with traditional teachings to deepen and enhance one’s living dharma practice.
Relationship Alchemy~Part 1
Saturday November 2, 2019 — 9:30 am—4:30 pm
Led by Davita Moodley
Palmetto MMC Retreat Center, 4310 61St E. Palmetto, FL
Relationships can either be an obstacle on the spiritual path or the key to awakening. When we play out uncon- scious patterns and archetypal identities in relationships, we bind others and ourselves to suffering.
In this experiential retreat, we will first focus on bringing awareness to how relationships serve as the mirror for our conduct, mirroring our thoughts, speech and actions. When shining the light of awareness on the unconscious mind we illuminate its shadow nature, freeing us to joyfully reflect the highest intentions of compassion, loving kindness, openness and equanimity.
You will learn how the 5 Love and Relationship Archetypes drive your behavior, emotions and intimate relationship patterns, including fears of abandonment, commitment issues, jealousy and control patterns, infidelity and more.
Through direct experience gain a deeper understanding of these unconscious patterns; then using guided hypnosis, mindfulness meditations, written and group discussions we will create a sacred space for transformation. This is relationship alchemy.
Whether you are currently in a relationship with a partner or simply wish to liberate painful repetitive patterns directed towards yourself or others, learn to recognize, transform and integrate unconscious patterns through awareness. Once an obstacle on the path to freedom and love, the shadow now becomes the very heart of our awakening.
Relationship Alchemy is recommended for any individual wishing to develop a heartfelt connection to themselves, bringing greater understanding, love and awareness to all relationships.
About the teacher—Combining mindfulness-based hypnotherapy with archetypal therapy, long time meditation practitioner, Davita Moodley, who is married to Michael Gregory, teaches students and clients how to bring love, awareness and wisdom to relationships as a vehicle of transformation and awakening.
This one day retreat is being offered by donation - generosity only and is open to all. A $50 - $100 donation is suggested for the day or you may donate as you wish. All donations go to Mindfulness Meditation Centers, your generosity helps us share the dharma with countless others and empowers our vision of awakening for all. Your financial generosity is critically important, and enables MMC to continue fulfilling its mission to provide teachings and support the necessary technology for the distribution of the dharma. All of the MMC retreats are also available via Zoom—by donation / generosity. REGISTER FOR RETREAT email: Jenny Laws: mmcflretreats@gmail.com.
••To access the retreat on Zoom, please sign up with retreat coordinator, (listed above), who will send you the login information.
For more information on MMC’s 2019 retreat schedule, or to attend virtual and in-person classes, on-line tutorials, etc., and become a MMC sustaining member – visit the website
Retreat Registration: New Wisdom Series, Florida / Zoom, November 2, 2019
Retreats are by generosity only; please contribute an amount that is meaningful to you. If you are unable to donate, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.