June 26, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - June 27, 2020 @ 6:00 pm
Please join Cordelia Richards and Rose Costello for a two-day
Living Wisdom Retreat on “creativity meeting practice.”
Poetry - A Sacred River of Words
Friday June 26th, 6:00pm - 9:00 pm EDT and Saturday June 27th, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm EDT
Scheduled Lunch and Breaks
Poetry - A Sacred River of Words
Creative work is a gateway of Awareness
In this work, mind meets experience at a deeper level, meets experience with the mind of mythos. Mythos is a way of understanding the world through metaphor, in distinction to logos which understands the world through rational thought. Logos is the ruling pattern for most of our world, expressed in science and technology. Mythos is the realm of art and spirituality. Creative encounter is relationship with the space of mythos.
All art, poetry in particular, is about communication. Poets find a way to communicate their experience in a form that is recognizable and relatable. They find a way for the energy of the mythic, metaphoric, meditative experience to come into form.
Divine feminine / Divine masculine
Energy / Form
Inspiration / Craft
In this workshopping retreat we will talk about these relationships.
We will talk about process - how to enter into these relationships.
We will talk about craft - what skills and tools we can bring to these relationships.
We will look very carefully at the many points of connection between creative work and our practice of mindful Awareness.
Sheer Cliff, Sheer Joy
High blue flight.
The condor
is without companion,
at ease in solitary splendor.
This winged messenger comes
from one world
to another: Hear this.
Delight is yours, and freedom.
The sky is open.
Heat rises from the canyon floor to lift
all higher, higher
This poem was written from an experience in nature, that stayed in my mind, ripening.
At some point the idea of open, expansive space presented itself and this memory rose. There are images - a sharp steep cliff, blue sky, a bird flying in an empty sky, and others. Several metaphors are here - condor as messenger, heat as inspiration, sky as holder of delight and joy, and others. The overarching metaphor may be that the open space of awareness is a place of liberation.
The Friday session will be introductory and inspirational. We’ll offer a framework to think about poetry in some fresh ways. Everyone is invited to bring a poem, by another poet, which speaks to them in some way. We’ll start with introducing ourselves, by reading these poems aloud.
The Saturday sessions will begin by establishing a meditative space to encounter the creative forces. We’ll explore craft, how to give a powerful form to your creative inspiration. There will be time for writing and sharing.
Living Wisdom Retreat – Poetry – A Sacred River of Words
If you are unable to donate the suggested amount, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.