Heart Sutra: The Purpose of Life; Colorado / Zoom -Phillip Hedrick
July 12, 2019 @ 4:30 pm - July 14, 2019 @ 4:30 pm

The Heart Sutra
with Phillip Hedrick, Senior Dharma Instructor for
Mindfulness Meditation Centers
Friday, July 12 at 4:00 PM (MST) - Noon, Sunday, July 14, 2019
— Evergreen Firehouse, Evergreen, Colorado* —
To become awakened and enlighten the mind, there are many sutras of the Buddha that are important to understand, but there is only one that has to be fully understood to permanently overcome the suffering of ignorance. That Sutra is the Prajnaparamita, called the second turning of the wheel of dharma. To transform the ignorance of ordinary mind to the mind of perfect wisdom, it’s essential to penetrate the deepest meaning of this teaching. The condensed form of this series of sutras is called the Heart Sutra.
The Buddha taught 100,000 verses of Sutra to expound on the (Buddha’s) understanding of the wisdom of his mind. In these verses he clearly described his perfect view of reality, “the way things are”. The most famous teaching arises from his perfection in the “Heart Sutra”, describing the pure essence of this perfect vision of reality in just 100 verses.
Please join us as we take an unusual and deep dive in to one of the most mysterious and rarely presented teachings on the nature of reality. We will learn how to apply this instruction to every experience of life and mind. To fully understand the nature of reality is to fully understand the nature of mind, the mind of pure awareness.
Perfection is not something you attain it is the discovery of your true nature.
*Enrollment for retreat is open to all. Space is limited and you must sign up to ensure your participation. You may sign up for the HEART SUTRA by visiting https://mindfulnessmeditationcenters.com/event/heart-sutra-the-purpose-of-life-colorado-zoom-phillip-hedrick/.
Retreat fee for the Heart Sutra in Colorado. is $400.00 for non-members, and $200.00 for sustaining Path 2 members. All of the MMC retreats are also available via Zoom—suggested retreat fee for Zoom access is $200.00 for non-members, and $100.00 for sustaining Path 2 members of MMC. Retreat teaching Apx:12 hours.
••To access the retreat on Zoom, please sign up with retreat coordinator Avtar Perreault, avtar.perreault@gmail.com who will send you the login information.
For more information on MMC’s 2019 retreat schedule, or to attend virtual and in-person classes, on-line tutorials, etc.,
OR become a MMC participating member – please visit the website mindfulnessmeditationcenters.com
Retreat Donation
Retreats are by generosity only; please contribute an amount that is meaningful to you. If you are unable to donate, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.