Four Immeasurable; Florida -Local Sangha Teachers
April 12, 2019 - April 14, 2019
Mindfulness Meditation Centers presents
The Four Immeasurables
An Introduction to the Great States of Being—
Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity
April 12–14, 2019 • Starts Friday, 4:30 PM, Ends Sunday, 12:00 PM
—MMC Retreat Center, Palmetto, Florida—
Retreat will be co-led by meditation instructors, and MMC members—
Hannah Wilcox, Rhona Post and Elizabeth Lahey
You are kindly invited to enjoy a weekend retreat that will balance calm meditative insight with applicable tools of contemplation for your practice of happiness and wellbeing. The Four Immeasurables are a core aspiration in Buddhism; constituting the fundamental requisite condition for the release of all sorrow, anxiety and other negativities threatening our health, our families, communities, and perhaps our planet.
Becoming fully familiar with the true nature of these states, and their interdependence–supporting and reflecting onto each other—we gain a clear inner strength allowing us to be more open and available. With a heart softened through practice, we contact our true natural compassion and a genuine willingness to be of benefit for others.
By practicing whole-heartedly, fueled with Bodhicitta, the reactive patterns of the dualistic-self dissolve, expanding our capacity to directly experience these four boundless, immeasurable states: the ease of equanimity, the open-heartedness of love, the tenderness of compassion, and the radiance of joy. What relaxes, ultimately, is the relentless and ignorant attachment to the sense of self–I, me, my and mine–so we may embrace the wisdom of our true nature. The Four Immeasurables—invite us ALL to develop our boundless hearts, whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a new-comer to MMC, everyone is welcome.
Onsite Florida: Jenny Laws, mmcflretreats@gmail.com.• Payment for retreats is on a donation only basis. Your financial generosity is critically important, and enables MMC to continue fulfilling its mission to provide teachings and support for our teachers and the necessary technology for the distribution of the dharma. All of the MMC retreats are also available via Zoom—by donation / generosity.
All of the MMC retreats are also available via Zoom—by donation / generosity. To access the retreat on Zoom, please sign up with retreat coordinator, (listed above), who will send you the login information.
For more information on MMC’s 2019 retreat schedule, or to attend virtual and in-person classes, on-line tutorials, etc.,
and become a MMC sustaining member – please visit the website
Retreat Donation
Retreats are by generosity only; please contribute an amount that is meaningful to you. If you are unable to donate, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.