Family Yoga – Katie Toth – Instructor
July 11, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
MMC-Sangha Teacher-Led Retreat
Family Yoga
Saturday, July 11, 2020
8 am to 12 pm MT (Colorado)
Led by Katie Toth
--Sangha-Wide Remote Retreat--
Offered via Zoom Only--
Please join MMC’s sangha member and kids and family yoga instructor, Katie Toth for this half day, Zoom Only, Family Yoga/Meditation Retreat. Katie has been leading children’s and family yoga for ten years and has been an MMC member for eight years.
The half day retreat will feature active fun, family bonding, learning tools for how to calm the body and mind along with kid friendly dharma lessons like patience, sharing, and loving kindness.
Retreat will be from: 8:00 am-12:00 pm Mountain Time (10:00 am-2:00 pm EST)
Language and activities tailored for children ages 4-12 but all ages welcome to join, there will be something engaging for everyone!
*Schedule: 8:00-8:20 Meet and greet and familiarizing with how Zoom works
8:30-10:00 Family Yoga and Guided Meditation
10:00-11:00 Break for rest, snacks and gathering activity supplies
11:00-11:40 Story time and Mandala making activity
11:40-12:00 Closing Circle
*Schedule is flexible and subject to change, because, you know, kids are involved! All times noted are in MT.
PLEASE register with MMC to receive the ZOOM code and Password
What to bring:
• Yoga or exercise mat, towel or blanket to mark each member’s space
• Practice in bare feet
• Any beanie babies or stuffies you might have (1 per person)
• Something that can be used for a talking stick: an item you pass to each family member when it is their turn to share.
• POM POMS, ARE CRUCIAL for several of our activities
o PLEASE BUY THEM if you don’t have them. You won’t regret it
o You can buy on Amazon or a local craft store
• Items to make an impermanent mandala: Rocks, gems, stones, large beads, pom poms, leaves, sticks, pine cones, Mardi Gras type beads (necklaces), small toys like matchbox cars or figurines, stuffed animals, spoons, forks or knives, lol or whatever you can come up with.
ZOOM Camera and Yoga Space Set up:
• Find the biggest open space in your home or create one
o Outside is ok but may be distracting depending on your surroundings
o Make sure hard or sharp corners are far away and there is adequate cushion on hard floors
• Line up yoga mats facing the biggest screen you have available
• Have the volume up or have an external speaker armed and ready
• Position ZOOM camera so the instructor can see all of the family members as close as possible, for the seated and standing position.
o Perhaps parents on the outside and kids in the middle
o We will be standing up and sitting down frequently
• Please be set up and logged on 15 minutes before retreat starts.
o No need to be seated as the kids get wiggly, but have the space set up and ready to go.
o This is a good time to use the rest room
• Use the bathroom right before class starts 😉
• We don’t expect our children to sit still or quietly throughout the class
• There will be bathroom breaks needed at inconvenient times (That’s ok)
• Some might not want to do any of the activities, let them observe anyway
• Lead by example through doing the poses, activities and meditations even if they are not (if you can do so safely that is)
• Take care of your body (it is not as flexible as your kid’s)
• Use gentle, kind and encouraging words
• Bring your silliness, creativity and open mindedness
Please contact the instructor with any questions:
Katie Toth text or call: 727-542-6626 email: katietirttha@gmail.com
Enrollment for retreat is open to all. Please fill out the registration form below.
By Donation; $50.00 per family recommended
You may contact the retreat coordinator for any questions at: coretreatsupport@mindfulnessmeditationcenters.com
Payment for retreat is on a donation only basis. Your generosity is critically important and enables MMC to continue its mission to provide teachings and support for our teachers and the necessary technology for the distribution of the dharma.
For more information about Mindfulness Meditation Centers, meditation instruction, or to enroll in classes please visit our website:
“Retreat Registration: Family Yoga, Zoom, July 11 – 2020”
If you are unable to donate the suggested amount, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.