Dream Signs in Science
July 25, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Dream Signs in Science
Saturday, July 25, 2020 9:00 am -1:00 pm MST
Led by Gary Haith
Zoom only
"My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose,
but queerer than we can suppose." - Biologist J. B. S. Haldane, 1927
Science seems to rule the modern world - shaping and supporting almost every aspect of our modern technological lives. We might think of dharma practice and the scientific worldview as opposed, but dharma practice IS a kind of science. It is a powerful and systematic means of investigation… a support for understanding and shaping the apparent world. In addition, traditional science and dharma practice agree on one profound point:
reality is not as it seems.
This half-day retreat will focus on a handful of scientific “models” (stories) that are relevant to our every experience. You may have heard some of these mind-boggling ideas mentioned in dharma teachings.
- The spaciousness of matter
- Matter as coagulated energy (E=MC^2)
- The Seussian mechanics of the senses and brain
- The fuzzy borders of any “thing”, especially living beings
- The behavior of the subatomic world and it’s apparent dependence on being observed
These scientific stories express some of the scientific community’s best guesses at the nature of reality. Surprisingly, the pictures are completely contrary to our intuitive assumptions about the nature of movement and energy, solidity and matter, body and experience, self and other. They are a call to wake up and look beyond the appearances we take for granted.
The retreat will be aimed at non-scientists and scientists alike with the intention of building familiarity with these theories and the relevant experiments - in service of dharma practice. Explanations and discussion will be intermixed with contemplations and guided meditations.
We will dive into details only as necessary to build confidence… confidence in the shocking juxtaposition between these models and appearances we accept in every moment, visit http://www.katyhousecleaningtx.com/. This confidence in turn can generate a softening of attachment to apparent reality and a sense of awe and astonishment - Hedawa!
Gary is an avid popular science consumer and has been trained and employed in some of the most sciencey of science places in the land. He’s also retreated and practiced dharma for some time.
This retreat is open to all. Breaks and a short lunch will be included throughout the workshop.
Enrollment for retreat is open to all. Click on the button below to register.
You may contact the retreat coordinator for any questions at:
Payment for retreat is on a donation only basis. Your generosity is critically important and enables MMC to continue its mission to provide teachings, support our teachers, and attend to the necessary technology for the distribution of the dharma.
“Retreat Registration: Dreams In Science, ZOOM, July 25 2020”
If you are unable to donate the suggested amount, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.