Bodhisattva Way – Take Refuge/Bodhisattva Vows; Florida – Michael Gregory
November 15, 2019 @ 4:30 pm - November 17, 2019 @ 4:30 pm
The 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva
with Michael Gregory, Founder
of Mindfulness Meditation Centers
Friday, November 15, 2019 at 4:30 pm ET - 4:30 pm Sunday, November 17, 2019
— Mindfulness Meditation Retreat Center, Palmetto, Florida —
"The time has come to turn your heart into a temple of fire."
~ Rumi
Recognizing their true potential and letting go of everything which could hinder them on their spiritual journey, Bodhisattvas entrust themselves to the path taught by the Buddha.
Resisting disturbing emotions, they learn to respond to difficult situations in a constructive way. Fully understanding the nature of reality and the illusion-like nature of pleasure and pain, they overcome clinging attachment and aversion. In these ways, Bodhisattvas come to cherish living beings as the source of all happiness and are ultimately able to work solely for the good of all.
Geshe Sonam Rinchen wrote The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas in the fourteenth century. His succinct and simple verses of advice summarize the quintessence of the Mahayana path to perfection.
Gen-la Michael’s oral teachings elucidate these practices for the modern Dharma practitioner and show how we can transform our actions, feelings, and ways of thinking to become Bodhisattvas ourselves.
Everyone will need accessories for this retreat...A bag of rice, an apron and a plate. For Vajrayana practitioners - please purchase a mandala set from a local Nepali or Tibetan shop or go online. Two plates are needed. SUGGESTED LINKS BELOW
*Enrollment for retreat is open to all. Space is limited and you must sign up to ensure your participation. Sign up for the 37 PRACTICES OF THE BODHISATTVA here:
Please make sure to have your registration in one week before the retreat.
Retreat fee for the 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva is the suggested donation of $200 for sustaining Path 2 members of MMC, and $400 for non-members, in-person or via our zoom online classroom. If you are having financial difficulties and would still like to participate in our programs, Mindfulness Meditation Centers would be honored to support your path. Please contact Rose Costello, rosecostello2216@gmail.com for financial arrangements. Retreat teaching Apx:12 hours.
- To access the retreat on Zoom, please sign up with retreat coordinator, Jenny Laws, mmcflretreats@gmail.com who will send you the login information.
For more information on MMC’s 2019 retreat schedule, or to attend virtual and in-person classes, on-line tutorials, etc.,
OR become a MMC participating member – please visit the website mindfulnessmeditationcenters.com
Retreat Registration: Bodhisattva Way – Take Refuge / Bodhisattva Vows, Florida, Michael Gregory, November 15 – November 17th, 2019
Retreats are by generosity only; please contribute an amount that is meaningful to you. If you are unable to donate, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.