The Four Immeasurables – Colorado Sangha
April 26, 2019 @ 4:00 pm - April 28, 2019 @ 11:30 am
The Four Immeasurables
To Register, please fill out the form on the bottom of this page.
Live, Frisco, Colorado
April 26–28, 2019
Frisco, Colorado
Mindfulness Meditation Centers presents
The Four Immeasurables
Co-led by meditation instructors, and MMC members,
Avtar Perreault, Steve Perreault, Ann Knight, Ted Reed, Noel Wade,
Julieta Inchaurraga, Kitty Gibbons, and Adam Caron
•• Retreat begins Friday, April 26 4PM – Ends Sunday, April 28 11:30AM
•• Location: 98 Creekside Drive Unit A, Frisco, Colorado
During this weekend retreat, students will experience freedom from a separate and bound self, entrenched and constrained by the attachment to harmful habitual patterns. Using group discussions and guided meditations, new meditators and seasoned practitioners will explore these beautiful practices and states of awakening.
By practicing whole-heartedly, fueled with Bodhicitta, the reactive patterns of the dualistic-self dissolve, expanding our capacity to directly experience these four boundless, immeasurable states: the ease of equanimity, the open-heartedness of love, the tenderness of compassion, and the radiance of joy.
What relaxes, ultimately, is the relentless and ignorant attachment to the sense of self–I, me, my and mine–so we may embrace the wisdom of our true nature.
* Enrollment for all retreats is open to all. Space is sometimes limited and you must sign up to ensure your participation. You may sign up for The Four Immeasurables on our website at: https://mindfulnessmeditationcenters.com/event/2019-4-immeasurables-co/
or contact Avtar Perrault with any questions: avtar.perreault@gmail.com
*Enrollment for all retreatants is open to all. Space is limited and you must sign up to ensure your participation. You may sign up for the Four Immeasurables by contacting the following MMC retreat coordinator.
Attendance in Colorado: Avtar Perrault, avtar.perreault@gmail.com • Payment for retreats is on a donation only basis. Your generosity is critically important, and enables MMC to continue its mission to provide teachings and support for our teachers and the necessary technology for the distribution of the dharma.
All of the MMC retreats are also available via Zoom—by donation / generosity. To access the retreat on Zoom, please sign up with retreat coordinator, (listed above), who will send you the login information.
For more information on MMC’s 2019 retreat schedule, or to attend virtual and in-person classes, on-line tutorials, etc., and become a MMC sustaining member – please visit the website:
Retreat Donation
Retreats are by generosity only; please contribute an amount that is meaningful to you. If you are unable to donate, please do not let that keep you from attending; contact us to make arrangements.
Enrollment for all retreatants is open to all. Space is limited and you must sign up to ensure your participation.