Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Fully interactive 6 week online course and classes.

Course 1 Donation

These courses are supported entirely by the generosity of its members. Please help support the continuation of these courses, the center, and our community by becoming a Sustaining Member (enter any amount you feel you can donate). If you are already a sustaining donor, we sincerely thank you for your generosity towards the teachings.

Mindfulness Meditation Centers is completely supported by the generosity of our members. Our mission is to make these teachings free and accessible to all regardless of financial background.

All courses, classes and retreats are offered at no cost and by donation - generosity only. Your donations go toward the necessary technology to distribute the Dharma, support our teachers and to support long term retreat attendees at our meditation center. We ask that each person donate according to their means and conscience. If you are unable to donate at this time, please enroll in our course through the free option.

To enroll in this course select one of the following options:



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Donation Total: $10.00 One Time