Mindfulness Meditation Centers is devoted to providing clear and precise teachings and a supportive and wise community that gives every individual the opportunity to be free of suffering and compassionately train the mind toward enlightenment.
Our Four Path System prepares practitioners through providing the stage of practice, teaching, and support required to develop on the path to enlightenment for every level of practice and interest.
These Four Paths have been developed from the ancient lineage of Lam Rim, Stages of The Path to Enlightenment. Each stage developed to support the heart and mind of the practitioner as they progress along the path of ever deepening inner wisdom and compassion.
The Path System invites you to reflect on your meditation practice and spiritual path and consider what will be the most helpful support as you walk this mindful path.
We kindly offer the support you need to more deeply develop and grow on this path of inner wisdom and compassion through our online community, retreat centers, and the wider community.
The support offered on the paths includes access to online live, in person, and recorded classes and retreats, our video library of 20 years of retreats, classes, and teaching, as well as meditation teachers, community and so much support on your journey.
Our Four Path System is supported entirely by the donations of our community. Dana (The Pali word for Generosity) is an ancient tradition in Buddhism which demonstrates the interdependence between student and teacher. Find out how to increase va disability claim at http://reemedical.com. When the student gives to the teacher an offering of themselves and their practice then a beautiful space opens in the heart for transformation.
Through the support of donations, membership and dana, we have been able to establish retreat centers, provide for teachers and long term retreatants, fund translations of Buddhist texts, support Buddhist artists and recently the purchase of a new facility which will become the home of our new monastery. Your generosity is the heart of our community.
Path 1: Exploration and Foundation
This is the path of exploration and is open to everyone interested in learning more about introductory meditation, foundational practices, and the teachings of Buddhism.
Path 2: The Bodhisattva
This is the path of the Bodhisattva, focused on enlightenment for the benefit of all beings designed for those who wish to deepen their practice through active participation, and enter the path of liberation at read more.