Retreat Policies, Environment & Conduct
- We are dedicated to providing a quiet, calm environment in which all can practice meditation. Take advantage of this precious time for the inner journey. We ask that in the common areas, including outdoors, you do not engage in conversation, even quietly, and attempt to operate without eye contact or gestures. Functional speech is permitted.
- Loose clothing is requested and should be modest. As a general guideline, the body should be covered from shoulders to knees. It is not necessary to wear white clothing, but all apparel should be as plain as possible (logo free). Clothing should be loose, comfortable and non noisy (no swishy nylon pants, please.)
- Although we are in Florida, the weather can be cold. While rare, temperatures below 28 degrees are possible. Bring appropriate clothing, including and perhaps a shawl or light blanket for the shrine room.
- Please respect the space and property of others. We have flat cushions, a few seat cushions and a few yoga mats. Most people bring personal meditation cushions and yoga mats. We have chairs available in the practice room. There is a formal yoga practice time.
- Lying down in the shrine room (as needed) is permitted during the day, and during practice sessions, if space is available. Do not sleep.
- Encouraging desire through insinuating or being flirtatious is misplaced in a mindfulness retreat - please refrain and examine these feelings in a healthy introspective manner. No sexual contact is permitted between retreatants and visitors of the opposite sex are not allowed in your room. This rule is meant to help all retreatants avoid distraction and cultivate mindfulness while here.
- To get the most out of your time here, avoid drinking alcohol or taking any other substance which may alter your mental state or impair your mindfulness. Also, please refrain from smoking during retreat. Necessary medications are not included in this guideline and should be taken in accordance with your doctor’s directions.
- Please keep your personal quarters tidy. Be very careful with food and drink in your room.
- Other than water, food & beverages are not permitted in the meditation hall, unless we are participating in a group mindful meals.
- You are sharing the main kitchen with other retreatants. Use you’re your own food. Clean the kitchen as you go and wash your dishes after every meal. Be respectful and cooperate with others.
- The Library and Internet use are to support your retreat. You may view teachings in the library – please use headphones. We do not provide wifi.
- Laundry facilities are available on site. Detergent donations are appreciated.