Meditation Class Details
Meditation St Petersburg FL provides crystal-clear instruction and meditation guidance for those with all levels of experience, from beginners with no time on the cushion to those interested in advanced retreats. The center makes efforts to provide the highest-quality meditation teaching and varying-length retreats as an opportunity for the earnest and joyful practice of the core liberation teachings of mindfulness, as taught by the Buddha.
Our teachers, or spiritual friends, are Western practitioners with substantial experience in deep meditation retreat. They provide both group instruction opportunities and individual guidance, and focus on the core practices of mindfulness, awakening and methods leading directly to realization.
The principal meditation focus is mindfulness of breathing, of feeling tones and of mind. These are in concert with loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity practices.
Meditation Class Format
Our classes consist of a brief welcome and introduction, about 30 minutes of guided meditation, a Dharma teaching and discussion and some question and answer. We have cushions and chairs, and some of our students with physical challenges even lie down for the meditation period. The intention is to remove any physical obstacles to the development of mindfulness.
You should bring a notepad and an inquisitive attitude. The class lasts about two hours.
The suggested donation is $15. Please do not let financial restrictions prevent you from attending.
For more information email or call 941.323.3372.
We look forward to seeing you in class.
St Pete Meditation Schedule
(Map is not accurate; please ignore)